

cge标志Ever-more substantial and frequent global experiences enjoyed by Saint Michael’s students testify to the strength, cooperation and hard work of a crack leadership team for the College’s 全球参与中心 since its creation two years ago.

“Global competency and appreciation for global citizenship are liberal arts learning outcomes in the third decade of the 21st 可以说和阅读一样重要, 写作, 数学,政治科学和国际研究学院的杰弗里·艾尔斯(杰弗里·艾尔斯)说, 他是学院的前院长,帮助建立了该中心(现在是该中心的负责人). “要在事业上取得成功,要有个人和公民意识, 一个人需要具备全球竞争力.”

艾尔斯说 engaging global experiences early on in College often lead a student to seek more international opportunities over four years so that by graduation, 他们已经建立了一套全球竞争力的技能,并获得了宝贵的观点. The director describes this process as intentional “scaffolding” to connect academic and experiential learning experiences through the Center — one important reason for its creation.

在春季学期结束时, 主任从他的角度回顾了该中心今年的一些头条十大赌博靠谱网络平台. 他最关心的是学生人数的增长, alumni and faculty headed off around the globe or coming to campus on Fulbright scholarships.  进一步, similarly competitive and prestigious Freeman Foundation Scholarship summer internships in Asia keep expanding, 目前有4名学生在韩国,11名学生在越南. This also has been a banner year for the Peace Corps Prep program under faculty advisor Allison Cleary.


艾尔斯还提到了人们对教师主导的短期密集学术考察旅行的广泛兴趣, 包括威尔士, 爱尔兰, 魁北克和丹麦, 以及稳定但肯定会重新出现的全学期或暑期留学兴趣, 大流行大大削弱了covid前的强劲数字. 他提到了, 太, emerging possibilities with State Department Critical Language Scholarships with a first-ever finalist this year in Adrian Harwood ’23, 或者去国外当助教, 考虑到今年有两名学生在法国和西班牙深造.

The Center also has recommitted to a longstanding but pandemic-diminished Saint Michael’s partnership with the Vermont Council on World Affairs, hosting groups from Hungary and from countries in Africa and Latin America for campus visits over the past academic year.  艾尔斯说 he and his team further are exploring expanded possibilities with the substantial New American and refugee populations in the greater Burlington area, 尤其是在校园山下的威努斯基.

Creating an even more welcoming campus environment for international students is also an important goal of the Center, 支持国际学生的移民和签证问题, as well as making it clear that many of these global engagement opportunities are available to enhance an international student’s educational experience at Saint Michael’s.  除了, 校园模拟联合国俱乐部吸引了更多学生的兴趣, with members attending and leaving their mark at the McGill Model United Nations event in Montreal this year as they went head-to-head with delegates from top colleges from around the world.



Beyond that — although a domestic rather than a global excursion yet still advancing the Center mission — 艾尔斯说 that he and the College’s Boucher 职业生涯教育 Center Director Ingrid Peterson led a trip this year to Washington, D.C.他们称之为“DC全球职业之旅”.” More than 10 students with the leaders spent three days meeting with State Department officials, 去国会山, 并参加了在美国首都举行的圣迈克尔紫金学院校友活动. They plan to make this a recurring option for interested students including in the upcoming 2023-24 academic year.

很多这样的活动, 艾尔斯说, 通过杰出校友的慷慨和在国会的工作而成为可能, 最近退休的佛蒙特州参议员. 帕特里克·莱希,61年. CGE收到了400美元,从综合拨款法案中获得联邦资金, 3月15日签署, 2022. 的支持, 由莱希倡导, 已经帮助扩大了学生到欧洲的国际实习机会, notably supporting four Saint Michael’s students currently participating in eight-week Spanish language immersion internships in Madrid, 西班牙, with plans to expand this opportunity to students studying French with internships in France in summer 2024.  The funding also enables the Center director’s regular international travel to advance student opportunities, and supports programming on international issues such as the inaugural Global Issues Lecture Series featuring Dr. 艾尔斯说,在支付中心运营成本的同时,他在4月份向罗维纳·贺(Rowena He)表示.

Another key funding source for the Center came last August when the Saint Michael’s College Class of 1972 delivered a master example in effective and meaningful fund-raising to honor their recent 50-year reunion by meeting their ambitious goal of a $1 million gift. 72届的布莱恩·莱西, a highly successful entertainment executive and long a champion of the humanities and international scholarship at Saint Michael’s as a donor, 受托人及义工, 带头推动他的班级支持新的全球参与中心.

“如果你回顾过去,我认为我们度过了美妙的一年,艾尔斯说。, 谁在六月初从威尔士谈到了中心的成就, UK, where he was co-leading an Academic Study trip with faculty colleague Laura Stroup (environmental science/studies) focused on the sustainability and public policy. 今年夏天晚些时候, 艾尔斯说, 他将启程前往首尔, 韩国和胡志明市, 越南, to firm up details and wider possibilities for the competitive and popular Freeman Foundation Asia internship program. 伴随着这样的旅行, 他说, he hopes to stay focused on cultivating funding sources through gifts and foundation support to expand global engagement programs even further.


A student group enjoys the view on an evening hike during the recent May trip to study the coastal biology of 爱尔兰.

回到他的根和专业领域在中心的范围内, 艾尔斯计划在秋季教授加拿大政治, 这是自COVID以来的首次, joining his longtime UVM colleague professor David Massell for an Ottawa Parliamentary field trip as they have led over 20 times in years past.

Ayres posted on social media this spring after receiving a Senior Class Appreciation Award at the annual Awards Brunch, 基于学生对他领导中心的赞赏

这是我在哈佛大学度过的第25个年头, 我意识到,中心的成功在很大程度上要归功于ge团队的辛勤工作. 其中包括Trish Siplon, 本科生和研究生奖学金主任,包括富布赖特奖学金, 佩吉Imai, 我是留学办公室主任, 迷迭香Yargici, 国际学生和学者服务办公室主任, 丽莎·凯尔·拉格奎斯特, 国际招生服务和国际招生主任, 和Allison Cleary, 和平队预备项目和研究生服务机会主任.”

“The CGE had an outstanding academic year of supporting and expanding a variety of global engagement opportunities for members of our campus community,艾尔斯在帖子中写道, “and I’m excited to work with this talented and hard-working team to build on our success in the upcoming 2023-24 year.”


